
Last night was the 4th of July. I used Linda’s teachings on calming signals to calm Indy, my young yellow lab and he did so well. He wasn’t fazed by the massive explosions going on outside our door.

I cannot fully explain the experience of having Linda work with my dogs over the years. Words do not adequately describe how grateful I am to Linda. She has guided me on every step of owning a dog: from tips on picking out a breeder and which puppy in the litter to choose as well as a long list of questions to ask the breeder as well as specific requests of the breeder before the puppy comes home.

It is truly amazing to me to have my dog trained to walk on a leash, have immediate recall and restrain himself from jumping up without ever clicking, jerking, yelling, pleading, or shocking.

I can’t even describe the subtle and intuitive ways she communicates with the dogs. She has taught me a whole new and wonderful way to be with my dogs.

Her boarding services are beyond compare. It’s like a doggy vacation where your dogs return to you more happy and well-adjusted than when you dropped them off. Linda has trained with the best dog trainers in the world and if you can get in with her, your life with animals will be much enhanced.

She is a wonderful person and she is as good with children as she is with dogs so I highly recommend having your family do some training on how to be with your dog.

I have had dogs with Linda for just about 10 years and all I can say is that we are so blessed to have a dog trainer of this caliber in Bozeman Montana.

Natalie Moor