Thank You, Linda!

Linda Holenstein is a trainer who easily engenders trust and confidence with both dog and handler.  Linda is highly experienced with dogs and dog training. Dogs and people relax with her. She has clear focus and fair, realistic goals for each working session and over time. She understands how to support both dogs and handlers through the training process.  She is patient, cheerful, has a good sense of humor, and is very professional. She clearly respects and enjoys dogs.
Linda’s dog training has changed my family’s frustration with our non-trained dog who didn’t know what was expected, or what we meant, to afamily that enjoys have a dog. The dog now knows what’s expected and understands our cues. Our dog has learned about learning, has learned to focus and wants to interact because it is fun. Our dog enjoys training, and is a happy dog who makes having a dog a joy.

As a handler, I have learned from Linda-

1) about the critical role my body language has in the degree of success I have communicating with my dog, and how to use my body language for successful communication.

2) that establishing realistic, focus goals, and good preparation, are central to successful dog training, and how to think about goals and the steps for achieving them.

3) that expectations often need to be chunked down into smaller training components for the dog to be successful

4) that it is necessary for a dog to a) have a cue to focus on me and b) it is important for the dog to see that the cue is meaningful, i.e. understands that the cue leads to further interaction that is fun and positive

5) that once a dog understands “learning” is a fun, interactive process, we have opened wonderful doors to a positive, and engaging relationship.

Training sessions with Linda are fun, sometimes hard work, gratifying, and positive.  Change and learning take time, but she understands the process so well, both dog and handler feel successful even in the beginning steps. Experience of success creates confidence, and confidence creates happy and reliable dogs, and people as well. Thank you, Linda!